Imaging plants at different scales: from three-dimensional image acquisition to multi-scale modeling

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Introduction In the emerging bioeconomy, optimization of plant biomass into biobased products and energy has become essential. But the chemical and structural complexity of plant cell walls makes them recalcitrant to simple transformation and thus requires a deeper understanding of their architecture through imaging tools.

The goal of the "Imaging plants at different scales: from 3D image acquisition to multi-scale modeling" workshop is to gather scientists conducting state of art research involving plant cell wall image acquisition, image processing, and image based modelling. The invited speakers will present how 4D (space + time) imaging combined with image processing and multi-scale modelling can provide novel insights into key features describing biological systems’ dynamics.

Participants are welcomed to contribute to this workshop with oral and poster presentations related to these topics.


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8h45 - Welcome and registration 9h20 - Introduction of the workshop

9h30 - Session 1: Image Acquisition

Keynote speaker: R. Wightman, University of Cambridge, UK

11h45 - Session 2: Image Processing

Keynote speaker: G. Malandain, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France

12h30 - Lunch

14h - Session 2: Image Processing (following)

15h20 - Session 3: Image Based Modelling

Keynote speaker: H. Jönsson, University of Cambridge, UK

17h30 - Conclusion and end of the workshop


How to participate


Workshop will be organised March, 12th 2020 in Reims, "Amphi STAPS" at the "Moulin de la Housse" campus of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, chemin des Rouliers.

Registration is free but mandatory (see

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be sent before February, 14th 2020 (see Abstracts must contain a title, author name(s) and be no more than 250 words.




  • Stéphanie Baud, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
  • Nicolas Belloy, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
  • Gabriel Paës, FARE laboratory, INRAE & University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
  • Yassin Refahi, FARE laboratory, INRAE & University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
  • Christine Terryn, PICT platform, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne